1. Discuss the theory of consequentialism, focusing specifically on classical utilitarianism | Get Quick Solution

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1. Discuss the theory of consequentialism, focusing specifically on classical utilitarianism | Get Quick Solution
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  1. Discuss the theory of consequentialism, focusing specifically on classical utilitarianism. A good resource to consult will be John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism. Additionally, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy’s entry on “Consequentialism” presents a broader perspective on the theory. Jeremy Bentham’s philosophy is also not a bad read.

In your paper, you should provide a definition of consequentialism, a definition of classical utilitarianism, how the latter is unique from but still a subset of the former, and a summary of some of the major proponents of each and how their ideas differ from each other. Then, you should devote a significant portion of the paper to why you feel that the theory you chose is the most justified theory to govern morality, and you should defend this assertion from criticism.


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