1. On your own you researched the effects of sugar on the brain. 2. In your group, please share your information with your group members. 3. As a group, please choose one example to share with the class. 4. Have your reporter post your example to this | Get Quick Solution

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1. On your own you researched the effects of sugar on the brain. 2. In your group, please share your information with your group members. 3. As a group, please choose one example to share with the class. 4. Have your reporter post your example to this | Get Quick Solution
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1.part 1

1. On your own you researched the effects of sugar on the brain.

2. In your group, please share your information with your group members.

3. As a group, please choose one example to share with the class.

4. Have your reporter post your example to this discussion, being sure to include the names of all group members. Your post must be at least 8 or 9 sentences long and include specific mention of brain structures and/ or NTs.

5. NO REPEATS! If someone has already posted your example, you must post a different example.

part 2

Please read the posts in Sugar and the Brain, part 1, then answer the prompts below in a total of a 250-300 word response.

1. Which example surprised you the most and why?

2. How might this information relate to our discussion on epigenetics?

3. What might you do differently as a result of this information? Don’t just say avoid sugar! Be specific in any changes you might make.


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