2 questions Rome’s growth to a position of great political and cultural power, and women status in the Roman world | Get Quick Solution

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2 questions Rome’s growth to a position of great political and cultural power, and women status in the Roman world | Get Quick Solution
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Each question is a different essay, both 4 pages each. So a total of 8 pages

Need it done before 12am tomorrow eastern time, which is 22 hours away

Question ONE essay one

From what you have learned, address the reasons for Rome’s growth to a position of great political and cultural power. You can use both your lectures as well as your textbooks to answer this question. Provide examples to back up your answer (Please submit under the assignment listed “Gen Ed Assignment” in the Assignments section.

Question TWO essay two

a) Describe and assess, in detail, the social, political, and economic status of women in the Roman world. What restrictions did they face? What opportunities did they have despite these restrictions? Provide specific examples from the sourcebook as well as the textbook!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!USE BOOK BELOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Reading: Romans: From Village to Empire by Boatwright !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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