A page of reading response-History of Design | Get Quick Solution

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A page of reading response, due 09/30

The question should be responded to after doing your weekly readings and is seen as a short exercise to get you writing and thinking critically about the texts. For guidance, you should only take between 15-20 minutes to respond and I expect the response length to be 3-5 paragraphs. I am looking for responses that specifically cite the assigned texts. Your response will be graded with a √, √-, or √+.


  • Alexander Rodchenko and Vavara Stepanova, “Program of the First Working Groups of Constructivists,” in The Industrial Design Reader, 93-95.
  • Le Corbusier, “Eyes Which Do Not See,” in The Industrial Design Reader,106-113.
  • David Raizman, Chapter 8: “Paris and Art Moderne Before and After World War I,” and Chapter 9, “Modernism: Design, Utopia and Technology,”“Constructivism,” and “Jan Tschichold and the New Typography,” in History of Modern Design: 176-179; 189-196 and 208-210.
  • Jasmine Rault, “Occupying E.1027: Reconsidering Le Corbusier’s “Gift” to Eileen Gray,” Space and Culture 8, no. 2 (May 2005): 160-179.
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