Academy of Healing Arts Massage and Facial Skin Care Conflict Management Rea Ask at least one question in response to an original peer post that you would

Academy of Healing Arts Massage and Facial Skin Care Conflict Management Rea Ask at least one question in response to an original peer post that you would like the author to explore further. no plagiarize, spell check, and check your grammar. Please use reference below. Attached is the powerpoint to reply to.ReferenceAdams, K., & Galanes, G. (2017). Communicating in groups: Application and skills (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hi CONFLICT
What is Conflict?
? Conflict can be defined as struggle between two people who have opposing goals, scarce
resources, and interference from the other party achieving their goals (Adams, &
Galanes, 2017)
? Conflict is a disagreement or diversion of viewpoints and when people feel that their
interests are being compromised because of opposing standpoints of others (Masood, &
Javed, 2016).
? Conflict should not be avoided because it can help members of a group understand more
about each other and any issues they may encounter.
? Conflicts occur there is a difference in opinion or core values.
? Conflicts may not be resolved if there is a difference in goals and values (Adams, &
Galanes, 2017).
? Conflicts that arise in groups can be a way to get members to participate.
Personal Conflict Style
Conflict management starts with figuring out what the problem is and why it started.
My personal conflict management style involves collaboration where each person works
together to find a mutually acceptable solution to the problem or issue. This type of conflict
management requires asking each person involved what they seek to accomplish, what
issues they may foresee, and questions about how they seek to resolve the problem. As a
leader or manager in the situation it is my responsibility to offer suggestions for resolving
the issue and assistance from my own position for resolving the conflict. Being open to
collaboration is essential to finding the best possible outcome for any issues in groups
setting. Having professional maturity can help build on the solution for issues that arise.
Approaching conflict with an open mind and the courage to speak about it will also enhance
the outcome.
Example Conflict-Management:
An example of conflict management using a collaborative approach in which I was involved was within my
current role a Store Manager in retail. The conflict arose amongst one of my sales associates and member of
management. The associate, Curtis, accused the member of management Ashley, of treating him differently
than other associates by not allowing him to complete tasks that he felt were within the scope of his job
description. My approach to this conflict was to sit down with each party involved, individually. I brought
Curtis into my office and asked him to give me his perspective on the situation by asking open-ended
questions and using active listening skills to get to the root of the problem. He felt that Ashley was
inhibiting him from completing tasks that he felt were his responsibility. Next, I sat down with Ashley and
asked her to give me her perspective about the situation. She explained that she was unaware that she was
making Curtis feel that he was not allowed to complete the tasks because she thought they were being done.
Curtis was not being given direction consistently by Ashley. My suggestion to the issue was that we needed
to implement a daily task sheet where I would assign tasks for all associates and the management team
would be responsible for ensuring they were completed. The entire team was trained to use the task sheet
daily. By collaborating with both Ashley and Curtis, I was able to see that a new process needed to be
implemented in order for Ashley to feel empowered as a leader and as a way to give Curtis clear direction
for the tasks that were within his job responsibilities. Ashley agreed to do her part to lead Curtis to get his
job done, and Curtis agreed that he would complete the tasks he was assigned. Curtis now had a clear idea
about what he was being asked to do and the management team aligned on what he was responsible for.
Sample Audio Conflict-Management
The example provided in the audio clip above is conflict managed through collaboration. The manager or
leader in the situation was faced with resolving an issue within her team where one member Sakon, felt like
he was forced to do work for the other. With the deadline for the project they were working on approaching
tensions were high and he felt that he was doing team member Anna’s work as well as his own. He made the
choice to email Anna to express his concern about the unequal workload. Anna then emailed Emily to let
her know that Sakon’s email offended her and she did not know that there was an issue with her work.
Emily decides to send a group email to let the team know that she is aware that they are tired from working
long hours and to commend them for working so hard. This only escalated the issue because now Sakon felt
that Anna had exposed his email to the boss. Eventually Emily does the right thing after seeing the error in
her initial approach and after seeking advise from a chief of operations. She decides to take the conflict
seriously and sit down with each of her employees to see where the issue started and what needed to be done
by each of them to resolve it. Emily was able to see that she had a part in the issue by not clearly defining
the roles and responsibilities of each team member. Both Anna and Sakon had different ideas about how the
work should be done and they were not working together to express where the work fell short. Each
member would now be expected to share concerns about the work and collaborate to get it done.
Collaboration also played a part in how Emily would proceed with clearly defining roles and
responsibilities. A follow up meeting allowed the team to meet and share how the solutions to the issue were
working. The end result was positive.
? Adams, K., & Galanes, G. (2017). Communicating in groups: Application and skills (10th
ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. eISBN-13: 9781259983283
? Fran Lewitter, Philip E Bourne, & Teresa K Attwood. (2019). Ten Simple Rules for avoiding
and resolving conflicts with your colleagues. PLoS Computational Biology, (1), e1006708.
? IOM – UN Migration, (2017). Conflict Management: Conflict in the workplace. Retrieved
? Masood, M. T., & Javed, S. (2016). Impact of Conflict Management Styles on Affective and
Cognitive Trust: Moderating Role of Transformational Leadership. Pakistan Business
Review, 17(4), 826–844.

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