Add and modify based on the original IOB paper | Get Quick Solution

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Just add and modify based on the original IOB paper, at least one page

here is the instruction of IOB

1. [I] Introduction: The Introductory paragraph(s) contains the premise of your thesis research–this was your proposed topic of creative research concisely and clearly explained. Feel free to pull all or much of this from your original thesis proposal. The introduction can be as short as one paragraph or as lengthy as several pages as long as it tells us what your paper is about and what you hope to prove.

2. [O]Outline: An outline provides a structural plan for the paper, it should include the introduction, body and conclusion. I recommend you arrange your main points into an outline format that makes sense to you (I. 1. 2. 3. II. 1. 2. III. 1. 2. 3. IV. 1. 2. etc.).

These questions may be helpful in planning your paper:

1. In your thesis what are you talking about?

2. How are you supporting it with research?

3. What are you doing in the project that addresses the thesis?

4. What did you learn from this experience?

5. What could happen in the future with this topic?

3. [B] Bibliography: The “Bibliography” is a list of all the sources you have used in the process of researching for your paper/project. It is more inclusive than the “Work Cited” listing which is only comprised of references to those items actually cited in the paper. This is a helpful site you might look at: Writing a Bibliography: MLA Format.


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