Adolescent Transitions and Challenges & Adolescent Coping and Resilience | Browse Homework Help

Adolescent Transitions and Challenges & Adolescent Coping and Resilience
This is a two part assignment. The first part is to answer the two questions listed below and second part is to review four peers paper and follow the response guidelines. Please answer and label the questions accordingly. This is a critical thinking, graduate level essay. Part I: These are two separate questions therefore please do not combine the two questions together. For example: Q1, Q2, with in-text citation from course reading material listed below as references. 1. Two aIDitional references are required. 2. In-text citation on every paragraph. 3. Please label all subheading. 4. APA formatting and style. My professor reviews my paper and will provide feedback and he usually requires for aIDition clarification in regards to what have been written. Therefore, I will forward to you the question(s) from my professor. Please answer the question(s) accordingly. Per class requirement, all papers must be submitted to Smarthinking for review before I can submit it in therefore please revise the paper according to Smarthinking suggestion. In text citation from the following texts

In text citation:
Review pages 18€“20 in Chapter 1 and pages 362€“371 in Chapter 10 of the Santrock text. These pages highlight the transitions that adolescents go through.
In Cushman’s 2006 article "Help Us Make the 9th Grade Transition" in Educational Leadership, volume 63, issue 7, pages 47€“52.
In Compas, Champion, and Reeslund’s 2005 article "Coping with Stress" in The Prevention Researcher, volume 12, issue 3, pages 17€“20.
In Masten’s 2001 article "Ordinary Magic: Resilience Processes in Development" in American Psychologist, volume 56, issue 3, pages 227€“238

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Question 1 Adolescent Transitions and Challenges

Explore adolescent key transitions and challenges. Focus on a particular transition or examine themes that apply across transitions.

Response Guidelines

Respond to two other learners. Your responses are expected to be substantive in nature and reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature that supports your views and writings.

Question 2 Adolescent Coping and Resilience

Using the article you found and material you read in this unit, examine adolescent strategies related to coping and resilience.

Response Guidelines

Respond to two other learners. Your responses are expected to be substantive in nature and reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature that supports your views and writings.


Response Guidelines:
Respond to two other learners. Your responses are expected to be substantive in nature and reference the assigned readings, as well as other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature that supports your views and writings



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