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Select one essay from the readings folder and answer the question below. The attached file here provides several questions for guided reading, so feel free to use them to check your understanding of the argument.


Option 1) Gordon Fraser, “Circulation and Resistance”

According to Fraser, what is the importance of Chesnutt’s novel in relation to our understanding of “black militancy” as a response to lynching? What is the function of the character “Josh Green” in Fraser’s argument? In response to Fraser’s argument, provide your own interpretation of Josh Green’s presence in the novel. If you agree with Fraser’s argument, offer new evidence you find yourself to expand his thesis. If you disagree, explain your reason with textual evidence from the novel.

Option 2) Cassandra Jackson, “Violence and Visuality”

According to Jackson, how does Chesnutt’s novel use the scene of lynching (or the lack thereof) and why so? What does lynching symbolize in the interdependence between the act of “looking” and racial codes? In response to Jackson’s argument, provide your own interpretation of the function performed by a “lynching” in the novel. If you agree with Jackson’s argument, offer new evidence you find yourself to expand her thesis. If you disagree, explain your reason with textual evidence from the novel.

Option 3) Susan Danielson, “Charles Chesnutt’s Dilemma”

According to Danielson, what is the importance of the final encounter between Janet Miller and Olivia Carteret in the end of the novel? How does her “domestic feminism” respond to the logic of accommodation and assimilation as well as the New South creed of modernization and professionalization? In response to Danielson’s argument, provide your own interpretation of female characters’ presence in the novel. If you agree with Danielson’s argument, offer new evidence you find yourself to expand her thesis. If you disagree, explain your reason with textual evidence from the novel.


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