African American History in the Rural TImes | Get Quick Solution

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African American History in the Rural TImes | Get Quick Solution
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•Each page should be between 750–1,000 words.

•Pages should be organized clearly and text written out in paragraphs.

•Pages should include in-text citations in APA or MLA format throughout. Failure to include appropriate in-text citations throughout the page will result in loss of points.

•Sources should be listed at the bottom of each page in APA or MLA style.

•You must include a minimum of three sources per page. You are encouraged to include more. Sources might include things like journal articles, reports completed by development agencies, newspaper and magazine articles, etc. If you are having trouble finding information, I encourage you to consult a campus librarian <>.

•Your pages should include images, maps, videos, or other media relating to the page topic. All media should be captioned and include a source.


Consciousness: What are the common/differing ideologies and opinions of the black community?

Gender: What are some distinct differences/commonalities within the black community when factoring gender?

Age: What are some distinct differences/commonalities within the black community when factoring age?


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