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Write an essay that considers how you have met 3 (minimum) of the course outcomes (listed below and on the syllabus). Create bolded subheadings for each course outcome you choose followed by specific details from your work that demonstrates how and where you met those course outcomes. For example, one of the course outcomes is “Create an argumentative and/or exploratory thesis supported by textual evidence.” Point to a thesis you wrote in one of your papers and briefly summarize how you supported it with evidence.

Consider the following example:

Create an argumentative and/or exploratory thesis supported by textual evidence

In the research essay I wrote about Ehrenreich’s essay “How the Poor Are Made to Pay for Their Poverty,” I wrote the following thesis:Ehrenreich overstates her claim that local government uses the poor as a way to fill its coffers.” As evidence, I pointed out that while she correctly asserts that fines and fees do help to fill in for budget shortfalls, she does not successfully argue that this is done on the backs of the poor. For instance, traffic tickets are a large part of the income generation for cities and the truly poor don’t own cars and therefore are not subject to these fines. Furthermore, business operation fees are another source of revenue, and again, the poor are not paying for this service either. In general, Ehrenreich does not provide convincing evidence that her claims are true.

Course Outcomes:

  • Develop writing that demonstrates critical reading and analytical thinking skills.

Suggestion: Your Critique or Synthesis Essays should help you examine this outcome. Point to a place in your paper where you critically interpreted something from the text, i.e. debated or supported an idea.

  • Use the writing process to create well-developed research-based essays.

Suggestion: Your rough drafts, peer review posts, and outlines should help you to look at this outcome.

  • Create an argumentative and/or exploratory thesis supported by textual evidence.

(See suggestion presented above.)

  • Summarize, evaluate, synthesize, and document source material.

Suggestion: Include specific examples of where you summarized, critiqued, analyzed, and/or synthesized from our assigned readings.

  • Use appropriate technologies to prepare written assignments.

Suggestion: Include use of word-processing program and tools like creating a header.

  • Control conventions of language, mechanics, and MLA format.

Suggestion: Include my comments if I wrote positively about them—sentence structures, transitional words, vocabulary, grammar, in-text citations and a Works Cited page, etc.


1. Develop writing that demonstrates critical reading and analytical thinking skills.

2. Use the writing process to create well-developed research-based essays.

3. Create an argumentative and/or exploratory thesis supported by textual evidence.

4. Summarize, evaluate, synthesize, and document source material.

5. Use appropriate technologies to prepare written assignments.

6. Control conventions of language, mechanics, and MLA format.


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