Alternative splicing in the pancreas yields | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Question: Assume you are working to characterize a novel protein in mice. Analysis shows that high levels of the primary RNA transcript that codes for this protein are found in tissue from the brain, musc;e, liver, and pancreas. However, an antibody that recognizes the
C-terminal end of the protein indicates that the protein is present in brain, muscle, and liver, but not in the pancreas. What is the most likely explanation for this result?

A. Alternative splicing in the pancreas yields a protein that is missing the portion that the antibody recognizes.
B. The gene that codes for this protein is not transcribed in the pancreas.
C. The gene that codes for this protein is not transcribed in the brain, muscle, or liver.
D. There is no modification of the primary transcript in the pancreas.
E. There is no modification of the primary transcript in thr brain, muscle, or liver.

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I chose B for this question but its wrong. I need to know why its wrong and how i chould change the answer i chose to make it right. The correct answer is A but i dont know why its the right answer so i would love it if somebody would help me with this.


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