Analysis of the Northridge Earthquake Resources: Internet, University Library Utilize the Internet to locate a major incident involving multi-agency emerg | Homework Answers

Analysis of the Northridge Earthquake Resources: Internet, University Library

Utilize the Internet to locate a major incident involving multi-agency emergency management event. Possible events include:

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Analysis of the Northridge Earthquake Resources: Internet, University Library Utilize the Internet to locate a major incident involving multi-agency emerg | Homework Answers
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9/11 Attacks on the World Trade Center
I-35 Bridge Collapse
1989 San Francisco Earthquake
Hurricane Katrina

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper where you:

Give a summary of the event
Outline the response by police and fire agencies
Detail roles within structured command
Outline crisis response objectives
Discuss decision making strategies and challenges faced by leaders in working through the event

Include at least two academic sources in your paper, including one from the University Library.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

This paper will be about the 1994 Northridge Earthquake in Southern California. The reason i choose this is because it has been 20 years since that day, and there is alot of information out there about the earthquake.


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