ANALYZING RHETORICAL CONVENTIONS ACROSS GENRES (essay talk about student loans by using 2 articles the articles must be mentions in the introduction with authors name and audience and it should be 3 body paragraphs and conclusion | Get Quick Solution

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ANALYZING RHETORICAL CONVENTIONS ACROSS GENRES (essay talk about student loans by using 2 articles the articles must be mentions in the introduction with authors name and audience and it should be 3 body paragraphs and conclusion | Get Quick Solution
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i want essay the contain both of ivory tower and the article how much is too to pay for college and write about how the higher education loan become very hard for the student and how it increased each year the essay needs clear thesis with three body paragraphs that contain evidence , quotes and claims and the introduction identify both articles with author and audience . follow all the prompt guideline and the checklist and i attached some website that has a summery and quotes from the documentary. the essay need to be writing in university level.

i did the essay with a bad tutor and i attached the essays that he made so you can use it also. the essay should follow the check list and prompt rules. and citation of both articles


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