Banner Health Organisation Statements & Analysis Describe the Organization’s Mission, Vision, and Values, goals, and objectives. clearly stated ………. Minimu | Homework Answers

Banner Health Organisation Statements & Analysis Describe the Organization’s Mission, Vision, and Values, goals, and objectives. clearly stated ………. Minimum one (2) paragraph …..20 pointsDescribe the population served, where is it located, and the number of employees. Minimum two (2) paragraph …..20 pointsIs it for profit or non-profit Is it a public or private institution, academic or community organization. Minimum (2) paragraph …..20 pointsInclude a Table of Organization………30 pointsYou must paint a thorough picture of your organization so anyone reading your paper would be able to visualize the healthcare organization……. 10 points ?
Describe your healthcare organization including its mission, vision,
values, goals, and objectives. Is it for profit or non-profit. Describe
the population served, where is it located, number of employees. Is
it a public or private institution, academic or community
organization, and anything you believe is important. You must paint
a thorough picture of your organization so anyone reading your
paper would be able to visualize it. Also include a table of
Organizational Overview Rubric
1. Describe the Organization’s Mission, Vision, and Values, goals,
and objectives. clearly stated ………. Minimum one (2) paragraph
…..20 points
2. Describe the population served, where is it located, and the
number of employees. Minimum two (2) paragraph …..20 points
3. Is it for profit or non-profit Is it a public or private institution,
academic or community organization. Minimum (2) paragraph
…..20 points
4. Include a Table of Organization………30 points
5. You must paint a thorough picture of your organization so
anyone reading your paper would be able to visualize the
healthcare organization……. 10 points

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Banner Health Organisation Statements & Analysis Describe the Organization’s Mission, Vision, and Values, goals, and objectives. clearly stated ………. Minimu | Homework Answers
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