Briefly describe this biotechnology application | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Biotechnology allows the use of living organisms or their processes for human needs or purposes. Currently, this topic includes such general examples as cloning, stem cells (adult, umbilical cord, and embryonic), DNA fingerprinting, biological warfare, bioremediation, genetically modified organisms, vaccines, and transgenic plants and animals to name a few. In this assignment, you will explore specific examples of biotechnology applications.

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Research how a SPECIFIC biotechnology application within the above GENERAL examples (or ones not listed above) is used today. Example: Insulin production in bacteria is an example under the general topic of recombinant organisms.

1.What specific biotechnology application did you choose?
2.Briefly describe this biotechnology application. How is it done?
3.Based upon the definition of biotechnology in the assignment, describe how your biotechnology application is an example of biotechnology.


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