Briefly name and describe the laws and regulations specific | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Amy is seven years old and loves to play with dolls. In fact, she has more than 20 Barbie dolls and lots of clothes and accessories, including three cars, a house with furniture, and an airplane. Mattel, the manufacturer of Barbie, also sells many other products with the Barbie brand, such as games, notebooks, and girls’ clothing, to name a few.

Part A:Amy saw a commercial on television for a newer Barbie house than the one she currently has, and of course, she wanted it. Advertising has been criticized because it is used to drive people to feel a need or want. What is this called and why is advertising criticized?(150-250 Words)

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Part B:  One ad for Barbie shows an animated Barbie character diving off of a diving board doing flips and twists before landing in a pool. The commercial was advertising a Barbie doll with a diving board that can be attached to the side of a bathtub. Amy begged her mother for the doll and got it, but she was very disappointed when the doll did not perform as she had seen it perform in the commercial. She realized she had to hold on to the doll to make it flip around and dive into the water. What was wrong with this ad?(150-250 Words)

Part C: What self-regulatory agencies would likely be interested in evaluating advertisements for Barbie?(150-250 Words)

Part D:       Amy’s mother limits Amy’s television viewing time because she feels there is just too much advertising influencing her child to want more stuff. However, there are restrictions regarding advertising toward children. Briefly name and describe the laws and regulations specific to television advertising targeted at children.(150-250 Words)


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