Capstone: Critical Analysis II | Get Quick Solution
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Last week involved the identification of several causes and effects of your identified problem/issue. This Application Assignment requires that you integrate the top four causes and effects into a critical analysis narrative. A critical analysis narrative includes a thorough discussion of each cause (fully describe the source) and its effects (fully describe who is impacted and how). Following the description of all four causes and effects, a critical analysis narrative ends with a final paragraph that briefly summarizes the four causes and your reaction to the relationship between these causes and the development of the problem/issue.
To prepare:
Review the list of identified causes and effects that you generated last week
Review the “Critical Analysis Template”, paying particular attention to the components of the critical analysis narrative.
Analyze causes and effects of a problem/issue.
Apply research to critical analysis of problem/issue. Integrate causes/effects into a critical analysis narrative.
The assignment:
In 3 pages, respond to the following:
Identify the four causes and effects you have selected to incorporate into an integrated critical analysis narrative.
Write an integrated critical analysis narrative that incorporates the four causes and effects you identified.
Explain your reaction to the results of your critical analysis. Could these causes have been prevented? Which one do you think was most important in leading to the problem?
Support your writing with detailed and specific references to all resources used in its preparation.
3 pages. APA Format.
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