Citizen participation | Get Quick Solution

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Citizen participation is at the cornerstone of an effective and representative government. Take some time to consider the issue and get involved.

There are two parts to this forum. You need to complete both for full credit.

Part 1:

How realistic is the New Public Service? Give examples of seeing it in action.

What variables affect the level of citizen involvement in local politics?

What might increase our national level of interest and participation?

What would motivate you to become more active?

Part 2: Get out and do it! Apply what you have learned and engage!

A good starting point may be a topic from this class that piqued your interest (think gun violence in schools, military retirement). Write your representatives, join a PAC, or share your thoughts with member of your local or state government. Then, report back to the class on what you have done! Or in the alternative, attend a meeting, volunteer at a nonprofit or show public service in some other manner.


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