Color Lightness Spectrum discussion Question: Kirk (2016) states that the topic of color can be a minefield.The judgement involved with selecting the righ

Color Lightness Spectrum discussion Question:

Kirk (2016) states that the topic of color can be a minefield.The judgement involved with selecting the right amount of color for a particular application can be daunting. With regards to visualizations, there are different levers that can be adjusted to create the desired effects (Kirk, 2016). The levers are associated with the HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) color cylinder.

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Color Lightness Spectrum discussion Question: Kirk (2016) states that the topic of color can be a minefield.The judgement involved with selecting the righ
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Select and elaborate on one of the following:

Color Hue Spectrum

Color Saturation Spectrum

Color Lightness Spectrum


Need at least 1(single spaced) pages and 2 references.

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