Colorado State University Project Management Simulation Paper Run the simulation, trying various what-if assessments to obtain a better score and complete

Colorado State University Project Management Simulation Paper Run the simulation, trying various what-if assessments to obtain a better score and complete the designated scenario. In doing so, you will benefit from running the sessions using di?erent options and trying different action items to experience various project challenges. After completing the simulation session for the designated scenario, capture a screen image of the confirmation page showing your total score for the scenario.For Option #1: The simulation experience comprises Scenario A; or, For Option #2: The simulation experience comprises Scenario B.ts to obtain a better score and complete the designated scenario. In doing so, you will benefit from running the sessions using di?erent options and trying different action items to experience various project challenges. After completing the simulation session for the designated scenario, capture a screen image of the confirmation page showing your total score for the scenario.For Option #2: The simulation experience comprises Scenario B.

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Colorado State University Project Management Simulation Paper Run the simulation, trying various what-if assessments to obtain a better score and complete
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