Combine Causal and Proposal Essay | Get Quick Solution

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Combine your causal analysis and proposal papers, smooth it out, and add an abstract and appendix.

Finalizing your causal-proposal

Combine the causal analysis and proposal essays into one. If you followed the outlines provided for those papers then the concluding paragraph of your causal analysis transitions smoothly into the proposal intro, and you may just be able to stitch the two papers together at that paragraph

without needing to make additional changes. It’s not a bad idea, though, to read over the combined

paper and make sure there are no issues with flow, repetitiveness, etc. that might arise from putting the two papers together.

One thing you will need to go back and change in the causal analysis paper is your original thesis

statement. The thesis statement for the causal analysis told the purpose of that essay and the main

causes/effects it covers. But now that it’s combined with the proposal then the purpose of the overall

paper has changed into something more, so you need to add a line to the causal thesis to say that your paper will also make a proposal.

Add an abstract.

After you’ve finished your causal-proposal essay, write an APA-style abstract page which will go

between the title page and the body of your paper. It’s basically a summary of what your paper does.

The abstract should be turned in as part of the final of your causal-proposal essay, not as a

separate assignment.

The following links show how to write an abstract:… (scroll down halfway)



Add your interview materials as an appendix.

The final draft of your Causal-Proposal essay should include your expert interview materials as an

appendix. The interview materials should include your interview questions and notes/quotes of your

interviewee’s answers. The appendix will be added as a separate page at the end of your essay, after the references. The appendix page should follow the same formatting as the rest of the document.

“Appendix” should be centered at the top of the page. One line under that, also centered, should be the title of the appendix. One line under that should begin your questions and answers.

A note on citing the interview source in your text In the text of your paper, DON’T have a separate paragraph or section to talk about your interview. I want you to work the interview source into your text just like you would any other source, using it and citing it wherever relevant, maybe once or maybe three or four times. One difference, though, is that when you cite regular sources, it’s usually not necessary to say anything about the author beyond their last name, but because this is a personal source, it makes sense to introduce the person a little bit the first time you cite them in your paper, using a signal phrase before the quote or paraphrase with their full name and position/title. After that, you can continue citing them either in a signal phrase or in parentheses afterwards.


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