Commentary 16 Film Analysis Write a 1000 word artists’ commentary to accompany your film. The commentary should elaborate on the film as a whole or a parti

Commentary 16 Film Analysis Write a 1000 word artists’ commentary to accompany your film. The commentary should elaborate on the film as a whole or a particular moment by discussing it in light of three readings and concepts from across the course. Include some reflection on how the screening workshop reactions shaped your understanding of your film and the internet industries. Upload your individual commentary toThe commentary is meant to reflect your independent thinking, motivation, and analysis of the project. Group members are expected to submit original essays.I have already done an outline for the film, so the tutor only needs to look at the outline to write the commentary

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Commentary 16 Film Analysis Write a 1000 word artists’ commentary to accompany your film. The commentary should elaborate on the film as a whole or a parti
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