Compare and contrast one of the men who made a fortune in the Industrial Revolution (i.e., Rockefeller, Carnegie) with someone who has made a fortune in today’s technology revolution (perhaps Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg). | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

From the scenario, the Industrial Revolution created many changes in American society. Imagine yourself as an “average” person at the time who worked on a farm or in one of the new factories, and consider at least two advantages and two disadvantages the new industries brought to your life.

  • Compare and contrast one of the men who made a fortune in the Industrial Revolution (i.e., Rockefeller, Carnegie) with someone who has made a fortune in today’s technology revolution (perhaps Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg). Areas to consider might include their socio-economic backgrounds, how they developed their business models, their charitable donations (and motivations), their treatment of workers (at all levels), and their involvement with anti-trust or other similar issues. Pick at least two areas to discuss. (Note: Please don’t cut and paste their bios from the Internet.  We can all look that up ourselves– we want to hear your own thoughts and analysis of your reading.  Just explain where you found the information

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Compare and contrast one of the men who made a fortune in the Industrial Revolution (i.e., Rockefeller, Carnegie) with someone who has made a fortune in today’s technology revolution (perhaps Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg). | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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