Compare two fashion magazines- the "VOUGE" magazine and the "SELF SERVICE" magazine | Get Quick Solution

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Compare two fashion magazines- the "VOUGE" magazine and the "SELF SERVICE" magazine | Get Quick Solution
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A paper using two spring fashion magazine as source material. One mainstream one more indie. The paper will critique and compare the strengths and weakness of the two magazines, their editorials and place the magazines in cultural context. This should be a 2 pages written paper with images attached.

There are some information⬇️

“VOGUE” magazine

More commercial,a lot of celebrity and advertising. More comprehensive content, for everyone, introducing a variety of fashion. Monotonous graphic design and bad typography. All are commercial fashion photographic. Common brands. Pay attention to society and culture.

“SELF SERVICE” magazine

More artistic, High quality paper and cover (hard cardboard with hot stampings)and different experimental graphic designs. Young audiences. especially the photography is really good and unique.The pages are always full of whole picture, look like a photography magazine.


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