Compare two science fictions. | Get Quick Solution

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Compare two science fictions. | Get Quick Solution
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Comparing two science fictions. One of the fictions must comes from on of the following fictions:

1. Williamson, “The Metal Man” 2. Compbell, “Who Goes There” 3. Leinster, “First Contact” 4. Dick, “The Defender”

5. Clarke, “Childhood’s End” 6. Cordwainer Smith, “The Game of Rat and Dragon” 7. Matheson, “Born of Man and Woman”

8. Merril, “That Only a Mother” 9. Sturgeon, “More Than Human” 10. Bester, “Fondly Fahrenheit” 11. Pangborn, “The Golden Horn”

12. Delany, “Aye, and Gomorrah”, “Driftglass”, “The New Wave” 13. Aldiss, “Man in His Time” 14.Lafferty, “Thus We Frustrate Charlemagne”

15. Spinrad, “No Direction Home” 16. Tiptree, “Her Smoke Rose Up Forever” 17. Le Guin, “The Left Hand of Darkness”

18. Dick, “Ubik” 19. Gibson, “Neuromancer” 20. Bear, “Blood Music” 21. Chiang, “Hell is the Absence of God”

I expect some research (minimum of five sources, probably easily available on the internet), but the paper can be mainly on your own analysis (close reading), supported by evidence from the work itself.

The paper should relate to these questions: 1. What are the major themes of the work? 2. How are these themes revealed to the reader (through plot? character? setting? imagery? style/word choice? etc.)?


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