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Task one:

Select one of the five images presented in the attached pdf titled “An American Photo Album_Excerpt.pdf” Using Foss and Stern especially, answer questions about the image, and then submit your responses (about 75-100 words each) as an attachment here. Clearly indicate your sources in each response.

1.What does Stern mean by “describing” a photograph? What do you think is the most important aspect of this photograph to describe? Why?

2.What does Stern believe is important to discuss regarding “emotional impact”? What do you think the emotional impact of this image is?

3.Do you think this photograph tells a story (according to what Stern discusses)? What story do you think is being told?

4.What does Foss mean by “technical novelty”? What aspect of this photo could illustrate the concept of “technical novelty”? Explain why.

5.What does Foss mean by “decontextualization”? What in this photo would help illustrate the concept of “decontextualization”? Explain why.

6.What does Foss mean by “re-placement of image in new but familiar context, thus giving the image a positive association or connotation, which in turn resolves the tension”? How would the viewer resolve the tension created by the photograph? (Remember, this does not mean altering the image itself.)

7.Read the accompanying information about the photograph. Does that affect the way you understand it? The way you “see” it? Why?

Submit your responses as an attachment (.doc, .docx, .pdf or .rtf files). Proofread carefully for spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors; excessive errors will affect your grade.

Task two:

Using the visual artifact you selected and analyzed for the previous lesson, Module 2 Lesson 1,(I have written a copy below) explain how you would apply the three components Foss identifies for analyzing visual appeal:

a.Technical novelty (violates viewers’ expectations in some way).

b. Decontextualization (expected context is inappropriate, which creates tension for the viewer).

c.Re-placement of image in new (but familiar) context (thus giving image positive association or connotation). This re-placement resolves the tension.

Explain each of the three components, then explain how each applies to the artifact (about 75-100 words each answer). When you submit your answers, be sure to submit a copy of the visual artifact.

Copy of the artifact:

Making a ring from Copper and Silver Wire

The Jewellery Workshop September 20, 2019

Submit your response as an attachment (.doc, .docx, .pdf or .rtf files). Proofread carefully for spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors.

I have added all the files needed in the attachment.


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