Consider the model of negative frequency dependent | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Consider the model of Negative Frequency Dependent Selection introduced in Lecture 3; diploid sexual population, one locus, two alleles (A1, A2), freq(A1) = p, freq(A2) = 1-p = q. The population starts with both alleles present and ignore the effects of random genetic drift. HINT: This problem can be efficiently aIDressed by using a spreadsheet (or other method of simulation, e.g., Populus). 

Genotype:                  A1A1     A1A2     A2A2 

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Relative fitness (wij) 1-sp2    1-2spq   1-sq2 

Let the selection coefficient s = 0.2 

b) What are the allele frequencies at equilibrium? 

c) What is the population mean fitness at equilibrium? Is it at its maximum? 

d) What is the genotypic variance (VG) for fitness at equilibrium? 

e) What are the average excesses (?i) of the two alleles at equilibrium? 

f) What is the aIDitive genetic variance (VA) at equilibrium? 

g) At what allele frequency(s) is VA maximized?


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