Creating genetic map including time distance | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Three Hfr strains of E. coli are known to transfer their genetic material during conjugation in different sequences. Given the time of entry of the markers into the F- recipient, construct a genetic map, including time distances, which includes all of these markers, starting with C as number 1 and F as number 6. (Not all markers were assayed in each strain and remember the E.coli chromosome is circular.)
Strain 1 Markers C – B – E – D
Time (min) 1 5 14 18
Strain 2 Markers A – E – D – F
Time (min) 3 15 19 30
Strain 3 Markers B – A – F
Time (min) 5 8 14
a. C -1min %u2013 A %u2013 3min %u2013 B %u2013 9min %u2013 E %u2013 4min %u2013 D %u2013 11min %u2013 F
b. C -1min %u2013 B %u2013 3min %u2013 A %u2013 9min %u2013 E %u2013 4min %u2013 D %u2013 11min %u2013 F
c. C -1min %u2013 A %u2013 3min %u2013 B %u2013 9min %u2013 D %u2013 4min %u2013 E %u2013 11min %u2013 F
d. C -3min %u2013 A %u2013 1min %u2013 B %u2013 9min %u2013 E %u2013 4min %u2013 D %u2013 11min %u2013 F
e. C -3min %u2013 B %u2013 1min %u2013 A %u2013 9min %u2013 E %u2013 4min %u2013 D %u2013 11min %u2013 F

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