Criminal Studies Justice Case Manager Research Paper Help need someone who can write very professional • 1.1) As case manager for the ST/Detention programs | Homework Answers

Criminal Studies Justice Case Manager Research Paper Help need someone who can write very professional •
1.1) As case manager for the ST/Detention programs I typically have on average a
higher number of clients than the other case managers. I manage consistently to have
the initial meeting for detention and short term residents, review court orders,
assessments, past reports, psyc evals, IEP reports, etc to gain best information
available on the residents. I review the YLS if available to assist and create the case
plan. I review the case plan weekly with resident, at pod meetings and update change
as needed including weekly goal and assignments. Check in with parent/ legal guardian
of the resident, communicate with therapists as well. I make necessary referrals for
psyc evals, TF-CBT, and CD therapy/treatment as needed in a timely manner.
1.2) I use MI when working with residents and staff. This helps engage the residents,
manage past their road blocks and open relationships to be more successful with case
planning and overall change with the resident. Share this information with the team,
family, therapists and school.
1.3) Even though I am still learning my position I feel I model professionalism, accept
feedback, managing stresses in a different and ever-changing environment, attend
court, collaboration with other personnel outside of department, maintain a positive and
evolving attitude, team meetings, JSC leadership meetings, and impromptu discussions.
I manage differing opinions/attitudes/work ethics, growth in leadership as
knowledge/comfortability has evolved, I’m willing to take risk and take on extra tasks
requested, provide coaching/mentoring to less experience peers.
1.4) I actively engage in culturally appropriate interactions when applicable, case plan
cater to cultural needs, respectful collateral interactions, I lead cultural discussions at
team meeting, when applicable, I provide leadership to promote awareness of the
influence of race, culture, poverty, and ethnicity.
I demonstrate professional collaborative communication, on-going communication
with community resources, maintaining a flexible/accommodating schedule, I
professional managing unexpected occurrences in a timely fashion, I respond to
risk/needs of youths, utilize youth and family input in creation of case plan, attend
professional appointments with clients. I model and coach professional behavior
through my own daily interactions, identify concerns and utilize professional
communication to verify concerns and discuss possible approaches.
I perform a various of duties when called upon such as Pod Staff, Shift Leader,
Control Room staff, I offer breaks/assistance to peers, I offer help to peers dealing with
clients in high-crisis situations, I communicate scheduling of team meetings/youths
staffing, take lead role in team meeting when applicable, collaborative communication
with supervisor’s, maintain a positive attitude during stressful times, recognition of use
of chain of command, facilitate cognitive groups, I regular participate in case manger
meetings to discuss current practices and implementation of cohesion.
I maintaining appropriate use of systems, maintaining secure system of storing
data/documents, receipt of appropriate ROI’s prior to discussing/sharing secure
information, see out verification when questionable situations arise.
14. I have attend the LEAD Academy to identify some things at the JSC we are performing that we can
improve on. I
presented the project ‘JSC Transition Team’ to the Senior Management Team to help address the high
rate we see when residents are released back home. This design is to target a groups of skilled
colleagues willing to
help residents challenge their personal struggles in the community. This gives skilled colleagues more
incentive and
experience working with families and youths in the community. Also the residents are able to maintain
relationship and support system they have created while completing their respective programs.
15. I communicate effectively with the referring PO’s, outside professionals, and colleagues. I’m open
and approachable with staff and residents.
31. I used MI when working with staff, residents, and families. This helps engage the residents and
families past their
road blocks and open relationship to be more successful with case planning and overall change with the
resident. I
share this information with the team, family, therapist, and school.
53. I am willing to accept extra responsibilities to help overall improve the JSC. I’m always looking for
trainings to gain
more experience and knowledge on how to perform my job to the best of my ability. I ask questions and
check in with
my supervisor.
80. I’m always open and approachable. I try to provide genuine feedback to my peers. I model
professionalism and
coach my peers when applicable. I maintain a positive attitude and treat all staff respectfully.
32. I’m a quick learning on different duties. I’m able to follow instruction when given vai email, voice
mail, or
discussions. I ask questions to clarify any confusion to ensure the results of the task will be completed in
form. Even though still learning my current position I believe I am performing at the exceeds level of
performance for
this position.

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