criticism essay to design | Get Quick Solution

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A criticism essay to design of “Prototype for Chaise Longue” by Charles Eames& Ray Eames, photo see attached.

The assignment brief:

1- In 500 words, critique the selected object against the claim of “good design”. Reflect your ideas on the complexities of what good design can mean (or leaves out) using the readings and conversations we’ve had about form/function/ethics/culture surrounding design in the course so far.

2- Incorporate the readings 11.1 and 11.2 considering Form in design. (see attached)

3- You should include at least one of your photos of the picked object at the beginning of the writing.

The object is from the exhibition at the MoMA:

There are few informations about this Chaise Longue: and

Charles Eames (American, 1907–1978), Ray Eames (American, 1912–1988). Prototype for Chaise Longue (La Chaise). 1948. Hard rubber foam, plastic, wood, and metal, 32 1/2 x 59 x 34 1/4″ (82.5 x 149.8 x 87 cm). The Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Thank you!!


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