CRJU 231 Sexual Victimization in Prisons discussion I need to respond to this in 300-400 words with 2 references in A.P.A. format According to the rese

CRJU 231 Sexual Victimization in Prisons discussion I need to respond to this in 300-400 words with 2 references in A.P.A. format

According to the research, sexual victimization rates of youth in custody, there are 2 to 3 times more likely to be victimized in facilities with over 100 residents than in facilities with only 10-25 residents. One measure is to reduce the incarceration level for low-risk youth. These facilities can conserve resources while protecting more youth from harm. When it comes to the cross-gender, PREA already prohibits cross-gender searches, including pat downs, except in exigent supervision. However, in practice, there are still some jurisdictions that will permit cross-gender searches and supervision.

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CRJU 231 Sexual Victimization in Prisons discussion I need to respond to this in 300-400 words with 2 references in A.P.A. format According to the rese
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One role of the PREA is to attempt to address several issues. By being able to collect data on the rapes in the juvenile corrections will help to give better view of where these issues are. Identifying and working with the victims is very important as well. With correctional staff, reporting abuse is extremely important. Last important step to is to protect offenders to try to prevent abuse, either before it begins or preventing from it happening further.

One of the recommendations that the Review Panel of PREA is by encouraging juvenile correctional facilities to provide substantive training to staff, more so for the female staff, on professional boundaries, as well as reporting staff sexual misconduct and provide effective training to youth in custody on preventing sexual victimization. One other recommendation is to expand diversion programs and reduce the size of juvenile correctional institutions as way to keep adjudicated youth safer.

“May he defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor!:” (ESV, Psalm 72:4)

Rport on Sexual Victimization in Prisons, Jails, and Juvenile Correctional Facilities. (2016). Review Panel on Prison Rape. Retrieved March 4, 2019, from reviewpanel.htm.

Preventing and Responding to Corrections-Based Sexual Abuse: A Guide for Community Corrections Professionals. (2009, December). Retrieved March 4, 2019, from iiPreventing and Responding to Corrections-Based Sexual Abuse: A Guide for Community Corrections Professional

English Standard Version (ESV)

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Text Edition: 2016. Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.


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