Cumberlands VPN Policy Development and Best Practices discussion question (RS) Discussion Question 8: Developing a VPN Policy and Enforcing VPN Best Practi | Homework Answers

Cumberlands VPN Policy Development and Best Practices discussion question (RS) Discussion Question 8: Developing a VPN Policy and Enforcing VPN Best Practices

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Cumberlands VPN Policy Development and Best Practices discussion question (RS) Discussion Question 8: Developing a VPN Policy and Enforcing VPN Best Practi | Homework Answers
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Refer to the handout to begin the discussion.


Discuss the roles and motivations for developing and enforcing VPN-related policies. Consider the types of users and groups that might use VPN services. Discuss how they are permitted to use those services, and what misbehaviors should be observed by answering the following questions:

What defines acceptable use?
How can policy violations be identified and handled?
Why can some VPN users have greater privileges or better access than others?

Summarize your thoughts in a Microsoft Word document checking for spelling and grammar, then submit it directly (cut & paste) into the discussion thread. Respond to at least two other students’ views to engage in a meaningful debate regarding their posts or to defend your post.

Required Resources

Textbook and Internet
Handout: VPN Policy Development and Best Practices

Submission Requirements

Format: Please enter directly into the Discussion Question window
Citation Style: Follow APA
At least 300 words
Spelling and Grammar count so I suggest you first type your post into MS Word and check for spelling and grammar. You can then cut & Paste into the Discussion Question thread.

Self-Assessment Checklist

I explained acceptable and unacceptable forms of use.
I explained how policy violations can be identified and handled.
I explained why some VPN users can have greater privileges or better access than others.
I responded to at least two other students’ views to engage in a meaningful debate regarding their choices or to defend my choices.


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