Current evidence indicates that schizophrenia results from | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
1) Current evidence indicates that schizophrenia results from
genetic factors
environmental factors
multiple causes that involveboth genetic and environmental factors
completely unknownfactors
2) If you sent the word “banana” to a split-brain patient’s lefthemisphere and the word “cucumber” to his right hemisphere, whichof the following would he be able to name verbally?
both of the items
neither of the items
only the banana
only the cucumber
3) An elderly person has a stroke that leaves her unable to talkand part of her body paralyzed. Which part of the body is mostlikely to be paralyzed?
right side
left side
upper body
lower body
4) Nadine had a stroke that was confined to the right side of herbrain. Based on hemispheric lateralization studies you might expectthat Nadine would have the most problems with tasks thatrequire
spatial skills, such asfitting together puzzle pieces
language andcommunication
fine motor coordination
mathematics and logicalreasoning skills
5) Zoe has a small brain tumor that is pressing on areas in herright frontal lobe. You would most likely suspect that Zoe willexperience difficulties
moving some portions of theleft side of her body
hearing sounds that arelocated to her left
moving some portions of theright side of her body
tasting foods in the rightside of her mouth
6) Monique is not able to understand spoken language. If Monique’sproblem stems from damage to the cerebral cortex, the damage wouldmost likely be in
an area known as Broca’sarea
the cerebellum
an area known as Wernicke’sarea
the right parietal lob
7) Some theorists believe that a sort of “executive controlsystem,” which is responsible for monitoring, directing, andorganizing thought processes, is housed in the
corpus callosum
prefrontal cortex
medial forebrain bundle
8) Theodore suffered a stroke recently, and now he finds heconstantly hears a buzzing sound in his ears. In this case, it islikely that the stroke occurred in Theodore’s
temporal lobe
right frontal lobe
occipital lobe
left parietal lobe
9) When this lobe of the brain is electrically stimulated peoplereport physical sensations, as if they had been touched, forexample, on the arm.
10) The next time you have an itch on your foot, the itch sensationwill be sensed in your ____ lobe and the ____ lobe will transmitthe message to move your hand and arm to scratch the itch.
parietal; frontal
frontal; parietal
temporal; frontal
parietal; occipital
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