Describe how the drug works to return body to homeostasis | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Choose one drug from the table provided. Provide answers to the following questions for that drug.

Question 1. Describe the drug pharmacokinetics (absorption for the specific administration route, bioavailability and half-life of the drug, distribution within the body, metabolism of the drug and how it is excreted.

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Question 2. Describe how the drug works to return the body to homeostasis to maintain quality of life(pharmacodynamics of the drug).

Question 3. Explain how the drug’s mechanism of action is related to the side effects, potential for adverse eventsand contraindications listed in the table. If you would like to draw a flowchart to assist this explanationthat is acceptable but you must explain the sequencing in the chart within the text and it must be ofyour own design.

Attachment:- marking-rubric.rar


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