Describe your social marketing plan to disseminate information about your public health program. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Communication tools must be used strategically. They shouldn’t be used simply because they sound entertaining, but should be employed when they are appropriate for a particular program goal. Appropriateness means not only how well it works but also how ethical it is. Consider the water sanitation program created by Water Missions Belize, which is depicted in the media throughout this course. Think about the type of information the organization is privy to with its close work with schools and community leaders, and the cultural implications of the business they conduct. What might some of the benefits be to this organization for using social media to enlist partnerships or funding? What might some of the ethical ramifications be for disseminating information over the Internet?

Now you are on to the next phase of your SPP, a social marketing plan. After seeing examples of social marketing and how others have publicized their health programs, it is now your turn to develop your own ideas.

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Describe your social marketing plan to disseminate information about your public health program. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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For this week’s Assignment, visualize your SPP as having unlimited resources.

By Day 7, submit a 5- to 6-page paper (not including references) in which you do the following:

  • Describe your target population.
    • Describe your social marketing plan to disseminate information about your public health program. Your marketing plan may include but is not limited to the following tools:
      • Communication technology such as social media Focus groups
      • Brochures
      • Flyers
      • PSAs
  • Explain why these tools are appropriate for your target population.
  • Explain potential ethical issues you need to consider in disseminating information and communicating a message to your population.

You will revise this to include Instructor feedback and following the parameters outlined on the SPP


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