Diagnostic Writing Sample, Part 2 | Get Quick Solution

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Diagnostic Writing Sample, Part 2 | Get Quick Solution
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Previously you selected an article from this list.You also submitted a one sentence summary of the article.

For this assignment, write a summary paragraph about your chosen article. The summary should include:

  • An introductory sentence that identifies the title of the article, who wrote it, and the main idea of the article.
  • At least 3-5 body sentences that identify supporting details and any questions the article left unanswered.
  • A sentence that comments on the effectiveness of the article’s conclusion.
  • A concluding sentence that restates the main idea and provides closure for the paragraph.
  • An APA style citation for the article. For more information on APA, click on the Resources tab in this course.
  • Use of appropriate, standard grammar and mechanics, as well as careful proofing. The final product should be relatively error-free.


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