Different sets of experiments utilizing an enzyme | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

The following data was obtained in three different sets of experiments utilizing an enzyme obeying the Michaelis-Menten rate law; the first set ofexperiments was performed in the absence of inhibitor, the second and third sets inthe presence of a 10 mM concentrations of two different inhibitors (I1 and I2). Thetotal enzyme concentration was constant throughout.
vo (?Ms–1)
[S] (mM) [I] = 0 [I1] =10 mM [I2]= 10 mM
1 2.5 1.17 0.77
2 4.0 2.10 1.25
5 6.3 4.00 2.00
10 7.6 5.7 2.50
20 9.0 7.2 2.86
a) Determine KM and Vmax for the enzyme. For each inhibitor,determine the type of inhibition as well as the constants Ki and/or Ki?. WhataIDitional piece of information is required to calculate the turnover number of theenzyme?

b) If [S] = 5 mM, calculate the fraction of enzyme molecules thathave a bound substrate i) in the absence of inhibitor, ii) in the presence of 10mM I1, and iii) in the presence of 10 mM I2.

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