Discuss how pollution can result in acid rain | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Assignment 5

Write a 1200-1500 word report on the following:How have modern farming practices and current municipal services (water, sewage, trash,etc.), impacted human health?Unit outcomes aIDressed in this activity:?

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Discuss how pollution can result in acid rain, depletion of the ozone layer, andcause the greenhouse effect? Explain how surface and subsurface waters become contaminated whenexposed to contaminated air and soil? Identify ways in which land can become less productive through naturaldisasters and processes

Course OutcomeHS415-1: Define major sources and types of hazardous environmental agents.HS415-2: Explain the transport and fate of hazardous agents in the environment.Instructions:Write a 1200-1500 word report on the following:How have modern farming practices and current municipal services (water, sewage, trash,etc.), impacted human health?


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