Discuss the strategic issues faced by the company in launching and developing their e-business venture. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Brown, C. V., De Hayes, D. W., Hoff-er, J. A., Martin, E. W., & Perkins, W. C. (2012).

Managing information technology(7th ed.). Upper SaIDle River, NJ: Prentice Hall

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Discuss the strategic issues faced by the company in launching and developing their e-business venture. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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Analyze Case Study I-4: “Supporting Mobile Health Clinics: The Children’s Health Fund of New York City”

  • Analyze the case study, and develop the conclusions, recommendations, and implications.
  • Consider the implementation challenges in the case and the technologies used to meet them, along with the final questions posed at the end of the case. (last paragraph on p. 165)
  • Summarize your findings in a two-page paper using proper APA formatting

Analyze Case Study II-5: “The Cliptomania Web Store”

  • Discuss the strategic issues faced by the company in launching and developing their e-business venture.
  • Provide your recommendations and analysis.
  • Summarize your findings in a two-page paper using proper APA formatting

Analyze Case Study III-5: “NIBCO’s ‘Big Bang’: An SAP Implementation”

  • Discuss reasons behind NIBCO’s decision to implement an ERP system.
  • Describe the pros and cons of the approach to implementation decided upon by NIBCO.
  • Provide your analysis and recommendation for how the project was managed


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