.Discuss two specific contributions you make to develop your colleagues in becoming a consumer of nursing research. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

  • Write a 4 page paper and discuss each of the following questions in relation to your nursing practice using APA style and formatting.

  • Use APA level headings to develop each of the required elements of the assignment.

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    .Discuss two specific contributions you make to develop your colleagues in becoming a consumer of nursing research. | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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  • 1.Discuss the importance of research as it informs the future of nursing practice.

  • 2.Discuss two specific contributions you make to develop your colleagues in becoming a consumer of nursing research.

  • 3.Describe at least two strategies you will use to maintain competency in using nursing research. Examples might include:

    • Perform a literature search on a particular practice issue and share with colleagues.

    • Join a nursing research discussion group.

    • Champion a nursing clinical issue to become a research study in your organization.

  • 4.Describe three ways that your understanding of technologies and telecommunication in nursing and health care can have a positive impact on your practice.

  • 5.Propose one strategy to increase the participation of the nursing profession in research and lifelong learning.

    • What role might technology and telecommunications play in promoting research participation?

  • 6.Conclusion:

    • Include a title and reference page.

    • Use the following subheadings:

      • Advocating for Research in Nursing.

      • Maintaining Competency in Research Practices.

      • The Future of Technologies in Nursing and Research.

      • Conclusion.


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