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Answer the questions + then you need to reply to 2 of my classmates posts

A. (Male Menopause)

Please watch this brief discussion of midlife crises in men (male menopause).

Mid-life Crisis (Male Menopause) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Mid-life Crisis (Male Menopause)

After watching the discussion, please find an example of a birthday card aimed at men in this age group. You can find one by looking around a CVS or grocery store, or at sites such as this: http://www.jibjab.com/birthday?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Product+-+Birthday+Misc+%3A+P&utm_term=animated+birthday+ecards&utm_content=Birthday+Animations+-+P (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Please either post a photo of the outside and inside of the card, or describe it’s message, or post a link to it within our discussion thread.

What does the birthday card focus on? Is it wisdom, physical appearance, financial stability?

Please respond to two of your classmates’ posts.

classmates’ posts:

1.In this card (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., the catchy tune is singing a song about all the terrible things wrong with getting old. Things like grey hairs, too many birthday candles on your cake, and wearing sock with your sandals(my personal favorite). The card does make a hint at national debt too so it does remind one of finances. At the end it says you better party now while you’re still able. These type of cards are funny but for some men these are real sources of struggle. Many men experience this mid-life crisis because of these very things mentioned. Sometimes people do not realize that just like women, men go through their own mid-life struggles.

2.Hello Everyone;This card (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. shows that being old doesn’t stop people from having this kind of humor. It makes them feel special. Humor aside, It depicts that people can do a lot of great things even though they are old. Old/Middle aged people have great qualities that makes them winners. Great things come as you age. It focuses on the psychological aspect of aging.

B. Living Past 100

Please watch this brief video about aging:

NOVA scienceNOW : 28 – Aging (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.NOVA scienceNOW : 28 - Aging

Would you want to live past 100? Name one advantage to living that long, and one potential disadvantage.

Please respond to two of your classmates’ posts.

classmates’ posts:

1. Yes, I would want to live past 100. One advantage is, I would be able to see my kids and grand kids grow up and living their own life. I would also be able to see new innovations and developments in the world around me. One disadvantage would be that, I would have to learn new things, new technologies etc, which may be harder for me because of cognitive decline because of my age.

2. I would like to live past 100 because the amount of history and change you will experience over the years would be amazing to watch. I also think it would bring me such joy to watch my family grow and grow. To be around for my great grandchildren would be amazing. One disadvantage might be that even if you are in good health, your body does slow down. Mobility may be difficult and leaving the house may be rare. This could become depressing.


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