Discussion Post – Anthropology Class — The Kayapo (watch this documentary and answer the following questions) 1-1.5 page write up.. | Get Quick Solution

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Discussion Post – Anthropology Class — The Kayapo (watch this documentary and answer the following questions) 1-1.5 page write up.. | Get Quick Solution
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Watch the following documentary

and answer following questions:

  • What are the agendas (goals) of both sides, the Kayapo and the Electronorte power development company?
  • Whose agenda will benefit human beings the most?
  • Do the Kayapo simply stand in the way of progress?
  • Thinking with the logics of capitalism (generate as much profit as possible endlessly) when building the dam, the Electronorte owners and investors believe that they are generating economic wealth for the local communities. What are the issues with that argument from the Kayapo and environmental perspectives?


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