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My study is psychology for the first part. part 2 is Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Discussion Topic: Between-Subjects Methods PART 1

With your hypothetical research question in mind, select one of the between-subjects methods from the text (such as: randomized two-group design; randomized multigroup design; matched-groups design; matched pairs design; or the matched-multigroup design), and discuss why you believe this method would be best to use. Provide a detailed description of how you would use this method in your study, and include a brief discussion of how you would handle the problem of error- variance. PLEASE NOTE! If a between-subjects design would not be adaptable to your study (and it may not be, that is why there are so many different types of research designs), explain why it would not. Could the study be altered to make it work?

Discussion Topic: Within-Subjects Designs PART 2

Again using your research question select one of the within-subjects designs ( not a between-subjects design, as done for Discussion Topic 1) from this week’s reading (such as the single factor two-level design or the single factor multilevel design). Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a within-subjects design, and describe ways to minimize some of the problems inherent with this approach to experimental research. Do you feel that this would be a good method to use for your hypothetical research study? Why or why not?


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