DNA fragments produced by the restriction enzyme | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

1. How does the length of the recognition site determine the length of the DNA fragments produced by the restriction enzyme (frequency of cutting)?

2. Identify 3 important features of cloning vectors?

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DNA fragments produced by the restriction enzyme | Free AI Content | Essay Helper
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3. How are Southern Blots, Northern Blots and Western Blots similar? How are they different?

4. What are the 3 main steps to a PCR cycle and what happens during each step?

5. What are the chemical components in a PCR reaction? How are the components different in a sequencing reaction?

6. How is PCR similar to cloning? What are the advantages to PCR over cloning?

7. What are primers? How do they specify which segment of DNA is going to be amplified?

8. Could you perform whole genome sequencing from a cDNA library? Explain why or why not?


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