Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients | Free AI Content | Essay Helper

Assignment:paper Study Level:Bachelor Page Count:6 Number of sources:8 Spacing:double topic:Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients Citation:MLA English:US Details:I have attached the notes the professor gave us. ENGLISH COMPOSITION II Capstone Essay Requirements and Details Deadlines: Tuesday, April 7”Project Formally Assigned Project Topic: Using a topic you have explored throughout the semester, you are to create and support Tuesday, April 14 “ Hard copies of all sources must be with you in class. Thursday, April 16 “ First draft due (Bring two copies to class.) Tuesday, April 21 “ Final papers due (75 Points) an academic argument. You are not to simply use the argument from one of your previous essays “ you must take things a step further than you did in those preliminary writings. ï‚· Length of Paper: 6 “ 8 typed, double-spaced pages. ï‚· You must use a minimum of SIX ACADEMIC SOURCES in your final paper. ï‚· You must use proper MLA style for your paper format, your in-text citations, and your Works Cited ï‚· You must develop a clear and arguable thesis that you support with solid critical reasoning and valid, ï‚· You must develop an effective and appropriate essay structure and tone. ï‚· You must avoid faulty or illogical reasoning. ï‚· You must employ various persuasive appeals. ï‚· You must anticipate and respond to audience concerns and counterarguments. ï‚· You must effectively integrate information and ideas from other texts/sources. ï‚· You must smoothly introduce and integrate quotations and paraphrases from other sources. ï‚· You must uphold academic standards of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

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