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I have 2 assignments,1 is a discussion board and 2 is a couple of paragraphs including a picture or 2. The reading is just chapter 17. Feel free to skim and get some information from there. The link for the readings: https://www-fulcrum-org.ezproxy.lib.usf.edu/epubs/zc77sq52g?locale=en

username and password for readings:

username: ebenavides1

password: 3Choloborder!

Assignment 1 (A couple of paragraphs):

For your fifth discussion board, you will be asked to use the historical tracing of childhood that we have constructed so far to answer the following questions: What are the biggest issues facing children during the COVID-19 pandemic? It will be your responsibility to think about the historical and political climate, the current state of education, child safety, child wellbeing, parenting, and youth activism as it relates to the pandemic. What changes do you see happening to childhood? What are children suffering from? What social resources should we provide to help support children? Please be specific about your thought and ideas and justify them with ideas from the first part of the course.

Assignment 2 (A couple of paragraphs including a picture or 2):

This week we talked about the current state of today’s children and youth. We also covered social and political changes that are being made to help tackle these problems (namely: child wellbeing, bullying, educational policies, parenting, poverty, and social media). In this discussion board, it will be your responsibility to choose one of these areas and conduct further research on it. Once you complete your research please submit a visual summary of the information that you found to me below. Your submission should indicate your ability to summarize the area of research effectively and demonstrate how this problem is being resolved or tackled at a local or global level.


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