Ecologically, What Are We Doing? Personal Habit Argument Paper 1: Ecologically, What are We Doing? 3-5 pages In this paper, you’ll make an argument about

Ecologically, What Are We Doing? Personal Habit Argument Paper 1: Ecologically, What are We Doing?

3-5 pages

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Ecologically, What Are We Doing? Personal Habit Argument Paper 1: Ecologically, What are We Doing? 3-5 pages In this paper, you’ll make an argument about
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In this paper, you’ll make an argument about a personal habit you have, an analysis of it, why you continue with that habit, and evaluate whether or not it’s sustainable, and what you might consider in response to all that.

This paper could be about any number of specific topics, like food, transportation, style, recreational habits, lifestyle choices, housing, events you attend, hobbies, or things you consume.

After your paper and works cited references, write a reflection where you detail your writing process for this paper, specific things you think are working well in the paper, and any challenges you had, as well as asking a question or directing me to something you’re concerned about.

Your paper should:

Provide an introductory paragraph that presents an idea and puts it in context.
Have a thesis statement that makes the purpose of the paper clear.
Be Organized/have a Structure advancing that thesis in at least 5 body paragraphs before concluding.
Summarize, paraphrase, and quote sources as needed to support your points.
Make sure to properly cite all your sources both in text and in a Work Cited page at the end of your paper according to MLA format.
Be mindful of grammar and mechanics in your writing.

To submit, click on the big blue button to the top right. Please make sure to follow these formatting guidelines:

All papers are to be in 12 pt, Times New Roman or Cambria font, double spaced, standard margins and in .doc or .docx format. These are academic standards—and, most likely, the default settings on your computer, so don’t mess with them. Citations are to be in MLA format.

my two good habits are being always on time , sleeping well

my two bad drinking a lot of coffee, nail-biting


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