EDDL614 Concord Identifying School, Family And Community Demographics IDENTIFYING SCHOOL-COMMUNITY DEMOGRAPHICS This week you investigated the demographic

EDDL614 Concord Identifying School, Family And Community Demographics IDENTIFYING SCHOOL-COMMUNITY DEMOGRAPHICS

This week you investigated the demographic composition of your community from which you are expected to gain additional understanding of important demographic factors specific to your community.

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EDDL614 Concord Identifying School, Family And Community Demographics IDENTIFYING SCHOOL-COMMUNITY DEMOGRAPHICS This week you investigated the demographic
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Based on your investigation, use your course resources to write a three- to five-page, scholarly reflection paper. In your paper, address the following requirements:

Identify and describe the demographic composition of constituents served in your specific community;
Prepare a brief action plan that you will implement during this course that addresses those school-community demographic factors and the means for overcoming barriers to building a greater sense of community;
Explain how you will develop a greater sense of community in your school. What will be the greatest challenges for you? Needs? How will you plan for success?

In an appendix page, include a data compilation that includes the total population, languages spoken, gender, race, age, academic achievement, and other cultural criteria pertinent to your community. Note: Student demographics and educational achievement data are not included in this assignment.

Support your statements with evidence from the required studies, other research, and from your experiences. Cite and reference your sources in APA style.


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