EDIT Worksheet 2 | Get Quick Solution

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You’ve got a lot of good stuff here, but unfortunately the first section is not on the Presented Article, as specified, but on another source. Please resubmit with a review of bias and credibility on the presented article to get points in those sections.

Please see my rubric comments for detailed feedback on each section.

Best wishes,

Dr. Gibson

Counterargument: Alternative Argument:

Your own argument presented good ideas, but make sure that you put them in Standard Form, as this is what we’ve been working on for all arguments to clearly lay them out and get them ready for evaluation and what you’ll need to do for both the presented argument and the alternative argument in your paper.

Counterargument: Logic and Reasoning:

When discussing the logic and reasoning, remember that those concepts are related not just to your thinking on the issue, but the logical concepts that we are studying, so you should discuss whether it is inductive or deductive, whether it is valid or invalid (if deductive) or strong or weak (if inductive) and whether it is sound. As well, for the final paper, you want to look at clarity and relevance (you are already looking at credibility and completeness). Remember, arguments can’t be both inductive and deductive. They are one or the other.
Counterargument: Weaknesses:

You do a good job of discussing weaknesses in your alternative argument. These are great suggestions for things that would buttress your argument!

Counterargument: Bias:

You do a good job of discussing bias in your alternative argument.


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