Egypt: Engineering an Empire discussion watch the video and answer reflection questions provided in folder attached Week #7 Questions 1. What was uniquely

Egypt: Engineering an Empire discussion watch the video and answer reflection questions provided in folder attached Week #7 Questions
1. What was uniquely different about Etruscan sculpture from Greek sculpture and how did the
Etruscan sculpture influence later Roman sculpture?
2. From the film and the Notes, describe the design & construction of the Roman aqueducts and
their importance in the successful development and expansion of the city of Rome.
3. Describe the building of the Forum of Trajan in Rome and how its great Basilica Ulpia became an
important design for the future of European architecture, particularly cathedrals and churches.

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Egypt: Engineering an Empire discussion watch the video and answer reflection questions provided in folder attached Week #7 Questions 1. What was uniquely
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